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C# in Hindi


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यदि आप C Sharp Programming Language का उपयोग करके कंसोल, डेस्कटॉप या वेब एप्लिकेशन विकसित करना चाहते हैं, तो यह पुस्तक c sharp in hindi आपके लिए बहुत उपयोगी साबित हो सकती है।

इस पुस्तक में, हमने कई उदाहरणों का उपयोग करके C# प्रोग्रामिंग से संबंधित विभिन्न मुख्य अवधारणाओं को बहुत विस्तार से कवर किया है। क्योंकि C# पूरी तरह से OOPS आधारित प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है, OOPS की विभिन्न अवधारणाओं को भी इस पुस्तक में विस्तार से समझाया गया है। इस पुस्तक में शामिल सामग्री इस प्रकार है:


Table of Contents

Beginning C Sharp Object-Oriented Programming in Hindi

Chapter 1: Overview of Object-Oriented Programming
The History of OOP in hindi
Why Use OOP?
The Characteristics of OOP
The History of C#
Chapter 2: Designing OOP Solutions: Identifying the Class Structure
Goals of Software Design
Understanding the Unified Modeling Language
Developing a SRS
Introducing Use Cases
Understanding Class Diagrams
Modeling Object Relationships
Association Classes
Chapter 3: Designing OOP Solutions: Modeling the Object Interaction
Understanding Scenarios
Introducing Sequence Diagrams
Message Types
Recursive Messages
Message Iteration
Message Constraints
Message Branching
Understanding Activity Diagrams
Decision Points and Guard Conditions
Parallel Processing
Activity Ownership
Exploring GUI Design
GUI Activity Diagrams
Interface Prototyping
Interface Flow Diagrams
Application Prototyping
Chapter 4: Designing OOP Solutions
Developing an OOP Solution
Creating the System Requirement Specification
Developing the Use Cases
Diagramming the Use Cases
Developing the Class Model
Identifying the Classes
Adding Attributes to the Classes
Identifying Class Associations
Modeling the Class Behaviors
Developing the User Interface Model Design
Avoiding Some Common OOP Design Pitfalls
Chapter 5: Introducing the .NET Framework and Visual Studio
Introducing the NET Framework
Goals of the NET Framework
Support of Industry Standards
Unified Programming Models
Easier Deployment
Improved Memory Management
Improved Security Model
Components of the NET Framework
Common Language Runtime
Framework Base Class Library
Data Classes
Windows Applications
Web Applications
Application Services
Working with the NET Framework
Understanding Assemblies and Manifests
Referencing Assemblies and Namespaces
Compiling and Executing Managed Code
Using the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment
Customizing the IDE
Creating a New Project
Investigating the Solution Explorer and Class View
Exploring the Toolbox and Properties Window
Building and Executing the Assembly
Stepping Through Code
Setting Conditional Breakpoints
Locating and Fixing Build Errors

Chapter 6: Creating Classes

Chapter 7: Creating Class Hierarchies

Chapter 8: Implementing Object Collaboration

Chapter 9: Working with Collections

Chapter 10: Implementing the Data Access Layer

Chapter 11: Developing Windows Applications

Chapter 12: Developing Web Applications

Chapter 13: Developing and Consuming WCF Services

Chapter 14: Developing the OSO Application

Chapter 15: Wrapping Up


Total Pages = 365

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